
a week's review

1. My dad and sister have Napoleon Dynamite memorized. Seriously, the whole thing. Naturally, this picture makes me happy because it reminds me of them cracking up at themselves quoting this movie.
2. In practicing my calligraphy this week, I ruined a shirt. One I wear all the time. It had the best neckline and could be worn with dress clothes or casual. Can you tell I'm sad about it? (Side note: I spilled my milk all over my lap when trying to salvage my shirt. Yes, I was frantically running through the house to get my hair spray (apparently this gets out ink... false) with milk dripping from my shorts. Humorous, I know.)
3. I worked 12 hours on both Tuesday and Thursday (as well as working other hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday). I am very thankful to be employed for the summer. However, I will say it has made me appreciate and look forward to a lazy, slow weekend.
4. Look at Avis' blog to see my new DIY projects and recipes that will be posted throughout the summer. It has been such a joy to be making things after such a lull.
5. We are having grilled salmon and summer vegetables for dinner tonight. I couldn't think of a better way to start off the weekend.

image courtesy of ffffound!
warning: while there are lots of interesting pictures on this site there are some unusual and weird ones too. Don't say I didn't warn you... 

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